How to Make tapioca pearls?

怎麼在家煮珍珠呢?|How to Make tapioca pearls?

by IAN

怎麼煮珍珠呢?|How to Make tapioca pearls?這有圖文教學,here has graphic teaching

怎麼煮珍珠呢?How to Make tapioca pearls?


Making delicious bubble tea with pearls is actually easier than you think

How to Make tapioca pearls?
How to Make tapioca pearls?

首先 煮滾開水 Step1 boil water


Water to pearl ratio 1:10

boil water
boil water

把水煮開 boil water

boil water
boil water

把珍珠煮透 Step2 Stewed Pearls

加入所有珍珠 add all pearls

Stewed Pearls
Stewed Pearls

蓋上蓋子留一個隙縫讓空氣流通 Cover the lid to leave a gap for air circulation

Stewed Pearls
Stewed Pearls

3-5 分鐘攪拌一次 Stir every 3-5 minutes

Stewed Pearls
Stewed Pearls

約25分鐘後關火 Turn off the flame after about 25 minutes

Stewed Pearls
Stewed Pearls

蓋上蓋子悶煮 Cover and cook

Stewed Pearls
Stewed Pearls


Confirm after about half an hour. If there is still a white part as shown in the picture, repeat the Steps

Stewed Pearls
Stewed Pearls

準備糖水 Step3 prepare sugar water

加入糖跟水,濃度隨自己喜好 Add sugar and water just if you like

sugar water
sugar water

煮到水開就好了 Boil it

sugar water
sugar water

提升口感 Step4 Improve taste


Improve taste
Improve taste




Improve taste
Improve taste


Improve taste
Improve taste


How to Make tapioca pearls?
How to Make tapioca pearls?

影片介紹 Video introduction

影片版本如下 The video version is as follows


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